
Delta, the youngest SIG at MDI, aims to promote knowledge of quant-based trading beyond the classroom. They aspire to build a deriva?ve-based fund that allows students to work as traders within MDI, fostering early industry experience. Their vision is to develop thought leaders in quan?ta?ve trading strategies for deriva?ves and equity. Delta focuses on providing hands-on experience in implemen?ng strategy across various deriva?ve markets like equity, currency, and commodity and preparing students to manage a quant-based deriva?ve trading fund. They offer a wide range of ac?vi?es and resources to achieve their goals. Delta organizes workshops, seminars, and guest lectures by industry professionals and experienced traders for the students as well as cer?fica?on-based collabora?ons. They also aim to leverage their social media reach to provide byte-sized industry-based content across varied pla?orms. The aim is to provide valuable insights into the prac?cal aspects of the field and expose students to real-world applica?ons of quan?ta?ve techniques.

Co-ordinator: Rohit Raskar