Teaching Learning Centre
The Teaching and Learning Centre at MDI (TLC@MDI) is a Responsible Service Outreach initiative focused on capability building of faculty and PhD scholars for classroom excellence. MDI Gurgaon is known for excellence in B School education. Aligned to this, the centre recognises that faculty is the key resource for driving excellence in management / business education both in terms of a student’s learning in the classroom as well as applications in practice. The nature of management education demands an active learning style for which student engagement is critical. The spectrum of activities used in active learning engages students in a higher-order thinking task (e.g., analysis, synthesis, evaluation, reflection) which in turn helps the students to achieve more in the learning outcomes. Thus, the nature of learning becomes experiential which is more effective and leads to excellence in practice.
The center thus takes the responsibility of developing this capability in the larger community of faculty and research scholars from India.
The center facilitates:
- Seminars to bridge the teaching learning gap between the industry and academia on latest and contemporary industry & education related practices.
- Cutting Edge Faculty Development Programs for achieving Teaching Excellence.
- Curriculum development & delivery by introducing innovations in teaching pedagogies, use of educational technologies and resource building & sharing of best practices in teaching and learning.
- Design & delivery of training programs for FPM scholars, young faculty & TRAs to develop their teaching capabilities.
- Facilitate case writing and publication.
Events organized by TLC@MDI
- Teaching Learning Practicum Workshop for FPM & EFPM Scholars from February 21-23 2024.
- Emerald Emerging Market Case Studies. & TLC@MDI India Compact Case Competition 2023.
- Case Development, Mentoring, And Publication Workshop with Emerald Emerging Market Case Studies. July 17-19, 2023.
- Teaching Learning Practicum Workshop for FPM & EFPM Scholars February 13 -15, 2023
- FDP on Teaching Excellence SBS Sharda University 7 - 11 November, 2022.
- FDP On Enhancing Training Effectiveness from 26 - 28 September, 2022 for JNIBF Hyderabad.
- Case Development, Mentoring and Publication Workshop from 25 - 27 July, 2022.
- Induction programme for new faculty at MDI Gurgaon 15 - 16 February, 2022.
- Using Design thinking for problem solving in the Post Graduate Diploma Programme in International Business November - December 2021.
- FDP on 'Teaching Excellence' from 14 - 17 March, 2022.
- Workshop on How to use Design Thinking as a Faculty was conducted on October 30th, 2021.
- Workshop on Methods of Master Teachers for the Scholars of Fellow Programme in Management (FPM) on October 23rd, 2021 and 27th November, 2021
For further details and information, please reach out to us on below mentioned Office Coordinates:
Prof. Rohit Sindhwani-Faculty In-charge, Centre of Teaching and Learning
Ms Meenu Pawar (Senior Executive)
Email: [email protected]
Ext: 01244560686