Journal Highlights
Vision is indexed in Scopus & ABDC (Australian Business Deans Council)
Total Usage Over the Years
The Vision journal is indexed in the following databases:
- DeepDyve
- Global Institute for Scientific Information
- Indian Citation Index (ICI)
- J-Gate
- Dutch-KB
- ProQuest : Business Premium Collection
- ProQuest : Central
- Scopus
- Ohio
- Portico
Online Usage
'Vision' has 46,189 full text downloads through the end of December 2018. This is a 10 percent increase over 41,942 full text downloads through the end of December 2017.
Circulation of Vision
Circulation - 2,892 institutions had access to the journal through sales to library consortia in 2018.
Online Usage - 'Vision' received 116,777 visits from 96,488 visitors.
- Visits originated from 199 countries and territories. The top visiting country was India (30,909 visits), followed by the United States (11,594 visits) and the United Kingdom (9,466 visits).