Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)
The two-year full-time Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM), approved by the All India Council for Technical Education, Government of India and recog-nized by the Association of Indian Universities (AIU) as equivalent to an MBA degree of an Indian University, is consistently rated among India’s top 10 programmes.
Programme Learning Goals (LGs)
• Responsible Citizen consciousness
• Global perspective
• Critical and innovative thinking
• Effective communication and collaborative decision-making
• Functional Competency
Target Capabilities
• Global mindset and sensitivity
• Holistic business perspective
• Capability to manage uncertainty and complexity
• Capability to lead change
• Capability to create wealth and manage diversity
Teaching and Learning
The teaching methods include lectures, case studies, seminars, assignments, live pro-jects, group discussions, business games, outbound based experiential learning activi-ties, educational excursions, role plays, simulation exercises, structured and unstruc-tured group work, and field visits.
• Widespread use of Information Technology (IT) in the learning processes.
• Field-based projects to get better insights into workplace reality.
• The curriculum is revised on an ongoing basis with practitioner input.
• Courses are offered from the following areas:
Accounting & Finance | Operations | Management | Economics & Public Policy | Marketing | Organizational Behaviour & Human Resource Management | Infor-mation Management | Strategy & General Management.
Programme Structure
Core Courses
- Six terms of about three months each —three in each year of the programme.
- The core (compulsory) courses are covered in four terms, with the bulk covered in the first three terms.
Summer Internship
- Compulsory eight-to-ten weeks long internship after term 3.
- Second year students may take elective/ optional courses to specialize in a maximum of two of the following functional areas: Accounting & Finance | Operations Management | Marketing | Strategy | Information Management.
- Specialization requires a minimum of five elective courses (15 credits) offered by that Area.
- Students can opt for 14 to 17 electives (42 to 51 credits).
- CGPA would be calculated using the 14 electives (42 credits) completed with best performance.
MDI Gurgaon follows a continuous evaluation system. A student earns a letter grade in each course with an associated grade point. The credit-weighted average of these grade points in the programme is the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA).
Student Exchange Programme
- A student can study for one term in a partner foreign institution in lieu of his/her study term at MDI Gurgaon.
- A number of international scholarships are available for these students.
- Details on the selection process and opportunities will be available after joining MDI Gurgaon.
- O.P. Jindal scholarship of INR 1,50,000 for second year students.
- At the end of the second year, MDI Gurgaon awards five merit scholarships of INR 10, 000/- each to the top five students.
- MDI Gurgaon offers merit-cum-means Scholarship scheme for the meritorious students to pursue PGDM courses at MDI Gurgaon belonging to economically weaker Sections (EWS). It is envisaged to provide 12 merit cum means scholarships (50% waiver of tuition fees) every year to the students pursuing two-year full time PGDM/PGDM-HRM/PGDM-IB/PGDM-Business Analytics at MDI Gurgaon starting from AY 2021-22.
International Scholarships
Several international scholarships are available for MDI Gurgaon students going on the exchange programme to select partner institutions, e.g Sciences Po Lille, University or Maribor, NUCB Business School, Japan.