Post Graduate Diploma in Management – Business Management (PGDM-BM)

The programme is accredited by AMBA, the Association of MBAs (UK). It focuses on developing leaders who will excel in the rapidly changing business environment, become agents of change and be charged with a customer centric orientation.

  • MDI Gurgaon pioneered the full-time Executive Graduate Program in Management in 1987 named Post Graduate Diploma in Management (National Management Programme) - PGDM (NMP). 
  • The revised duration and nomenclature of the programme is 18-month Post Graduate Programme in Management – Business Management. 
  • The PGDM-BM focuses on developing visionary leaders for the rapidly changing business environment. The focus of the program is to build skills and competencies necessary to lead change. The PGDM-BM attracts talents from diverse industries, cultures and geographies
  • Unique aspects of the programme includes one week of National Immersion Programme in Sustainability Management and 3-days Experiential Learning module on Leadership Competency Development. 
  • Provision for two-weeks International Immersion Module.

The programme is aimed at developing:

  • A recognition of current business realities; 
  • A holistic business perspective; 
  • An ability to recognize and seize opportunities in a competitive environment; 
  • Global sensitivity and mindset; 
  • Skills of communication, leadership and teamwork; 

Programme Learning Goal

  • Responsible Citizen consciousness
  • Global Perspective    
  • Critical and Innovative Thinking
  • Strategic Leadership Orientation 
  • Functional Competency

Programme Highlights

  • 18-month full-time programme
  • AICTE approved and AMBA accredited
  • The oldest full-time programme of MDI Gurgaon
  • For professionals with a minimum work experience of 3 years
  • Participants can opt for dual specialisations
  • Integrative capstone simulation for comprehensive understanding of business
  • Global exposure through International Immersion
  • Leading companies participate in the placement process
  • Strong and vibrant alumni network

Programme Structure/ Term Schedule

  • The programme has five terms of course work followed by a dissertation project.
  • An academic term is of twelve weeks duration which includes mid-term and end-term examination.
  • A participant has to earn a minimum 103.5 credits from 32 courses in which 21 are core courses and 11 are elective courses (3 credits from 29 courses & 1.5 credits from 3 courses) plus 9 credits from dissertation. 
  • There is a 1.5 credit Experiential Outbound Leadership Training Programme & 1.5 Credit National Immersion Programme.
  • Each student has to undergo National Immersion module and experiential learning module on leadership competency development. The expenses for National Immersion module shall be borne by the students on actual basis in addition to the fees. 
  • The students will also undertake industry live projects, 2 practice-oriented courses & Dissertation Synopsis submission in the month of August 2026.
  • The compulsory dissertation / project may be taken up at the workplace and is required to be presented before a panel of experts.


  • The participants get to interact with the industry leaders by way of guest lectures.
  • Teaching based on recent research studies and international experience, includes lectures, case studies, seminars, group discussions, business games, role plays, simulations exercises, structured and unstructured group work and field visits.
  • Emphasis on motivating the participants to integrate the concepts, learned across the core curriculum and apply them to their own work experience and contemporary business situations.


  • Participants are evaluated on a continuous basis which includes a capstone dissertation project.    
  • Course evaluation is in terms of letter grades. Participants are required to achieve a certain minimum cumulative grade point average in each term, as well as a minimum letter grade in each course.


  • Prime Minister’s Gold Medal - awarded for the best overall performance in the programme.
  • Finance Minister’s Gold Medal - awarded for the best performance in the Finance elective courses 
  • The Department of Personnel, Government of India Gold Medal - awarded for the best performance in the Human Resource Management elective courses.
  • ITC Gold Medal - awarded for the best performance in the Marketing elective courses.

Alumni Meet & Association

  • An Annual Alumni Meet is organized every year where alumni members gather in large numbers and share their experiences.
  • The Alumni Association of the Institute act as a platform through which the alumni of the Institute can keep in touch with various activities of their alma mater.
  • Also acts as a forum to obtain feedback regarding the educational programmes.
  • Every person receiving a degree/diploma of the Institute automatically becomes a life member of the Association; members have the benefit of the use of the Institute library at nominal charges.

Clubs & Committees

Activity Clubs and Committees are an important part of student life which facilitate to integrate learning from the class with the application at the workplace. 

The following clubs, committees and groups are in place from which participants are encouraged to derive maximum value:

Leadership Talk Series

Leadership Talk Series is a platform for deliberations and discussions among business leaders, government officials, spiritual gurus or individuals who have made a distinguishable positive impact to the businesses, lives of people, society or nature at large. Under the aegis of Leadership Talk Series, executive programme students organise talks, symposiums, panel discussions and workshops.

Extra-curricular Activities

The Organising committee comprising of students and EGP office plans extra-curricular activities throughout the academic year, in line with academic activities and shared with all respective stake-holders to plan their academic and official engagements accordingly to ensure maximum benefits of their overall engagement with MDI Gurgaon.


The Institute has a Basket Ball court, floodlit Badminton and Tennis courts and facilities for indoor games like table tennis, chess etc. Cricket & Football are some of the other popular games. There are a number of in-house competitions, which finally culminate in the annual sports meet involving the students, faculty and staff of MDI Gurgaon.

Endorsements / Testimonials from NMP Alumni

  • “The 1 year at MDI Gurgaon was the most transformative journey of my career yet. The academic rigour, varied extra curriculars, insightful discussions, and extremely supportive peer and alumni network provided me the opportunity to unlearn, learn, and grow. It helped me acquire new skills, develop the ability to see situations from new perspectives, and embrace agility, in a tightly wrapped, fast-paced, and exciting year”.
    Sanya Duggal, NMP XXXII (2019-20)
    SMB Manager, Microsoft

    •  “I was privileged to be a participant of NMP IV (1991-92). The exposure, after a good period in the industry, helped me to develop a holistic perspective to managing business and subsequent evolution to leadership roles. Developing the ability to gain a holistic perspective to managing, is becoming ever more important in a world of great uncertainties and super specialization. NMP helps one to develop that perspective and evolve to leadership roles.”
    B. Ashok -NMP IV (1991-92)
    Chief Executive Officer, Ratnagiri Refinery & Petrochemicals Ltd. & Former Chairman, Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. “

    •    “The classroom discussions on plethora of Business cases and special courses on Policy & Environment has been the hallmark of NMP. NMP has successfully groomed and always taught me to bring solutions rather than problems to the table. Besides, generating novel ideas, it has instilled a mindset of ‘Nation First’ while taking any decision or action. NMP has helped me in creating a culture that unleash originality in others and independent thinking.”
    Sanjay Kumar Bose
    NMP-VIII (1995-96)
    Executive Director (HR), 
    Corporate Office, Indian Oil Corporation