Thrilling Victory for Our PGDM-BA Team at Synergy'23 | Orion National Level Case Study Competition!

November 25, 2023

Our team of PGDM-BA candidates, Team Achiever, MDI Gurgaon, has secured 1 st Place at the Synergy’23 | Orion National Level Case Study Competition, conducted by XLRI Jamshedpur in association with Ceism Elite India Chapter II. Congratulations to Deepak Sheoran, Pulkit Godha, Shivani Chauhan & VINAY PURI!

In a remarkable display of business acumen and strategic thinking, Team Achiever stood tall amidst over 1,800 participating teams from across the nation. The competition, cantered on formulating implementable business plans, tested the mettle of participants in brainstorming creative strategies and applying theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios.

Check out the official announcement over Cesim Business Simulations page: